5 Essential Website Features

Alexander Colburn

5 Essential Website Features

A website is often the first point of contact a potential customer has with your brand or business. The success of your business in the digital space depends on a well-designed website to establish credibility and trust with visitors – so much so that a poorly designed website can turn customers away. Trust is a key element to not only attracting, but retaining loyal customers – and a well-designed website will help you get there. Knowledgeable website designers will integrate important features that improve your brand’s visibility online, and enhance user experience and engagement. Here are 5 essential website features that a website designer can help integrate into your website

Responsive Design

Responsive design enables you to use a website regardless of the device you’re using. Whether you’re using a smartphone, laptop, desktop, or tablet, it’s important to be able to use all the features of a website, no matter which device you’re using. Designers make this magic happen by creating one dynamic website that adapts to various devices, rather than building multiple versions. This not only enhances user experience, but search engines favor websites with responsive layouts like flexible images and charts that don’t have size limitations. 

Clear Navigation

Most of us have experienced the frustration of not being able to find the information we seek on a website, ultimately giving up and leaving the site after 30 seconds. Clear or intuitive navigation makes for a user-friendly experience that’s essential for relationship-building with potential clients. Some navigation tools to help customers make bite-sized decisions include: Main menus with sub-navigation menus (drop downs, sidebars, etc); descriptive navigation labels; Topics vs. format labels (example); and prominent Calls to Action. Some key tips that help visitors read and scan your website include creating menus items in groups of 7 or less, and remembering that the beginning and end of a list or navigation menu are most memorable to a visitor. 

Calls to Action (CTAs)

Easy and clear navigation includes a visual prompt that encourages visitors to take a specific action. Smart website design will help convert potential customers, guiding them through the website towards the next step which might include making a call, signing up for a newsletter or requesting a quote. Providing clear direction through a Call to Action like a “Buy Now”” or “Donate” button that is strategically placed (and stands out through thoughtful design) will help customers positively interact with your business.

Contact Information and Forms

Going hand-in-hand with Calls to Action, providing contact information and contact forms on your website will seamlessly help potential customers reach out to you. Contact information provides transparency, which is essential to building trust with your customers. Let customers know that you want to authentically engage them by allowing easy access and communication that will strengthen your reputation and brand.

Compelling Visuals

Tying together the four website design elements so far, compelling visuals are essential to capturing the attention of your audience, and helping them to easily navigate through your website. Visuals create powerful ways to tell the story of our brand and messaging – and are more effective than plain text. Website designers can help align visuals – ensuring that they are aligned with your brand and support the message you’re trying to convey. High-quality images and graphics that are crips and professional are essential to engaging customers as well as building responsive design. 

Your business cannot afford to lose customers to poor website design – especially when prioritizing website optimization proves to boost customer conversion and retention rates. Hiring a website designer can help you make necessary adjustments so that customers have a positive first impression, and overall experience through responsive design, clear navigation, Calls to Action, contact information and forms, and compelling visuals. On the first visit to your website, customers will trust you, your brand, and the credibility of your products and services – all through authentic communication and design elements.

Ready to start building trust with potential customers? Call Colburn Strategic Partners at (401) 331-0088 or fill out the contact form at https://colburnstrategic.com/contact/ to talk about how we can optimize your website, together.